/*****************************************************\ * MOD Plugin - (c) 1997 by Olivier Lapicque * * * * - Distribute freely - * * * * contact: c1lapicq@watson.ibm.com * * * * (Special thanks to MisterX for the graphics) * \*****************************************************/ - 1. Requirements - 2. Installation - 3. How do I use the MOD Plugin in my HTML files ? - 4. Can I use the MOD plugin to play my modules on my local hard drive ? - 5. What's new ? - 6. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Requirements ------------------------------------------------------- - DX2-66 or higher - Windows 95 or NT 4.0. - A soundcard with 32-bit drivers - Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 NOTE: 44.1KHz sound quality is not recommended for computers slower than a 486DX4-100. MOD-Plugin is a freeware and may be freely distributed. As it is a freeware, I am not responsible for any problems that could be caused by the usage of this plugin. To save a song, or configure the sound quality, right-click on the controls, and a menu will be displayed. MOD-Plugin doesn't support instrument envelopes. You should use the Save As option of your browser if you don't want to lose envelope information in XM modules. Setup Options: -------------- - Mixing Rate, Stereo, 16-Bit: quality of the sound - Pre-Amplification: increases the volume of the song, the formula is preamp_vol = vol * (1 + numchannels / 12), this gives a better signal/noise ratio. If the sound cracks, you should decrease the volume of the song (or change the volume=x statement in the EMBED tag). Clipping is now done with version 1.57+, which takes a little bit more CPU time. - Surround: Mix according to the Dolby Pro-Logic specs. (I never actually tried it) Use it only if you have a Dolby Pro-Logic amplifier connected to your PC. - Reverb: Add reverb effect to the song when playing. - Disable oversampling: you should not use this option, unless you have a slow CPU. You can try to listen to the music with and without oversampling to see the difference. - Save packed songs: pack the samples when saving songs, using the Sae As command (Can reduce up to 50% the size of the song). --------------------------------------------------------- 2. Installation --------------------------------------------------------- - Execute setup.exe (in the same directory than where it is located, if you run it from a DOS prompt), and follow the instructions. - Launch your browser (If it was already launched, you'll need to quit and restart it). - Turn up the volume VERY loud. - Open MODLINKS.HTM file in your browser, which includes a few links to some MOD pages. - Don't forget to check Kim's MOD Page. --------------------------------------------------------- 3. How do I use the MOD Plugin in my HTML files ? --------------------------------------------------------- The syntax to put a song in your page is the following: NOTE: On a Web server, the command should also include the mime-type: Ultra-trance-tekkno-rave mod page

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* end of file * After that, you can open this file in Netscape in File - Open File in Browser. And voila ! -------------------------------------------------------- 5. What's new ? -------------------------------------------------------- ------------- MOD Plugin version 1.6 ------------------- 1.60: - Added MTM modules support (import). - Fixed VU-Meter bug when Surround was used. - Added 20-bands Spectrum Analyzer - Added Panning Slide effect in XM modules. - Added Reverb option. - Reduced total size of sound buffer from 1.6s to 1s. ------------- MOD Plugin version 1.5 ------------------- 1.57: - The replay routine runs now in a separate thread. - Improved the Pre-Amplification option by clipping the sound. - Added "shuffle" option. 1.56: - MAJOR BUG FIX: Save As was corrupting MOD files with version 1.55 - Decreased size of sound buffer but increased number of buffers - Fixed bug in S3M when sample loop end was bigger than sample length. - "Loading..." is displayed when loading a module. 1.55: - Fixed WAV file format bug. - Fixed font display bug when displaying the song title. - Updated MODLINKS.HTM 1.54: - Added FastVolSlide & AmigaLimits flags in S3M modules. - Fixed Speed 0 bug in MOD/XM. - Fixed XM instrument panning bug. - Fixed finetune bug in MODs. - Fixed vibrato bug - Too high frequencies are not played anymore (>200KHz). - Added support for linear frequencies in XM modules. - Added Save As Wave option (.wav export) 1.53: - Instruments are now saved unsigned in s3m MODULES. - Unused channels are now removed in S3M modules.. - Pattern Break bug fixed in XM modules. - Song slider bug fixed. 1.52: - Added OctaMed MMD2/MMD3 support. - Song slider bug fixed. - Minor bugs fixed. 1.51: - Added basic support for OctaMed MMD0/MMD1 Modules (*.med) - Added audio/x-xm and audio/x-s3m MIME-type (They were removed in 1.50 - but I saw some sites using them) 1.50: - Added support for 16-bit samples (S3M,XM) - Fixed VolSlide(0) in MODs - Optimized play function ------------- MOD Plugin version 1.4x ------------------- - Now set the correct tempo when changing the position - Improved XM support (fixed tempo<->speed) bug. - Added Pro-Logic Surround and Pre-Amplicication options. - Added XM key off/fadeout support. - Added E8x effect in MOD/XM. - Added 32KHz and 48KHz sound quality. - Added X1/X2 effects in XM files. - Added default "Loading..." while downloading a file. - Fixed possible crash with Note Delay effect. - Fixed Offset 0 effect bug - Fixed retrig bug - Fixed FineTune bug - Fixed arpeggio bug - Fixed volume slide bug in S3m. - Fixed setup bug for MSIE when the plugins directory didn't exist. - Recognises "looping" same as "loop" (for compatibility with the DSM Mac plugin). - Fixed bug when "properties" was used before the module was loaded. (Properties screen was staying blank) - Fixed VU-Meter bug in 8-bit format (always in the red) - Fixed a problem that caused clicks in some loops - Fixed S3M bug in Fine & Extra Fine Portamento Up/Down - Fixed Note Delay problem with non-zero volume column byte - Added MODLINKS.HTM to the package. - Added VU-Meter. - Added Glissando Control. - Remember the last song position. - Added multisample instrument support in XM files. - Changed SETUP.EXE to support Internet Explorer. ------------- MOD Plugin version 1.3x ------------------ - Fixed bugs with Note Delay, Tremor and Retrigger. - Added Save As for XM files (multisample instruments are not supported yet) - Improved S3M Load/Save function - Support for patterns with more than 64 rows in XM files. - Minor other adjustments - Added support for 16-bit samples - Added effects on XM files. - Added "hidden" option (same as "controls="none"). - Added Note Delay effect in MODs (EDx). - Increased size of sound buffer. - MAJOR bug fix in s3m modules. - Added basic XM support (no effects and no Save As...). - Fixed Netscape crash when changing page before load completed - Added channel pan position effect. - Added support with up to 32 channels for s3m modules. - Added autoplay same than autostart. - Added 4-bit ADPCM support for modules: this can make the module twice smaller! But WARNING: your other players/trackers will probably not support ADPCM, and will not be able to load the samples -> By default, the plugin will unpack the songs when saving. If you want to pack them, check the "Save packed songs" checkbox in the Setup dialog, and use the Save As command. If the "Save packed song" option is not checked, the song will be save unpacked, even if it was packed before. It can then be loaded by any tracker/player. This is very useful for the internet since it will be twice faster to download the module. (Think about it if you want to put a module on your home page) ATTENTION DEVELOPPERS: (If you want to support the packed format) When saving the song, the plugin will pack the samples only if it doesn't affect the quality. In MOD files, the sample data starts by "ADPCM". In S3M the regular compression byte is used with a value of 0x04. 4-bit ADPCM is coding the delta values between a sample and the next in 4-bits (starting value is zero). The delta values are stored as a 16-byte table at the start of the sample data: [16-bytes delta values][(length+1)/2 bytes of 4-bit indexes...] In XM files, the bit 6 of the sample type is set to 1, and the reserved byte is set to 0xAD. ------------- MOD Plugin version 1.2x ------------------ - Added Retrig effect on MOD files (E9x command) - Added Pattern Delay effect on MOD files (EEx command) - Added Pattern Loop effect - Added 'title' option. - Added S3M support - Added channels, instruments and patterns in the properties box. - Fixed some clicks problems in modules with an odd number of channels. - Added README.TXT (this file). ------------- MOD Plugin version 1.1 ------------------- - Fixed problems with some NT sound drivers. - Fixed "Netscape will launch the application..." message when you had a mod player already installed. - Added support for mods with more than 16 channels. ------------- MOD Plugin version 1.0 ------------------- First release of the plugin. - Support up to 16 channels mods. - Sound interpolation for each track remove metallic quality of the sound. (Like what the GUS does in hardware) (256x oversampling) ------------------------------------------------------- 6. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------- - The setup.exe program failed! Be sure to run the program setup.exe in the same directory than where the npmod32.dll file is located. Try to copy the file NPMOD32.DLL in the plugins directory of your browser if it's still not working. - I don't like the MOD Plugin, it's crap and I hate it. Ta mere elle chausse du 2. - I have a Mac, how can I get MOD Plugin for Mac ? A plugin is already available for Mac (PowerPC only). Check at: "http://www.spilk.org/dsm". (DSM Plugin) This plugin doesn't support compression. - I'm running OS/2, how can I get MOD Plugin for OS/2 ? An OS/2 plugin is available at the following address: "http://www.polsci.wvu.edu/Henry/Madbrain/npdsmi.html" (DSMI/2 doesn't support compression yet) - For all other questions about the MOD Plugin, e-mail me at c1lapicq@watson.ibm.com, and don't forget to tell me which version of the plugin you're using.